Developing You- The system, the process and the handbook

This course is for anyone who is committed to their personal growth but wants an easy to follow, system, that works. 

You may already be a pupil of personal development and growth, or this could all be new to you. Either way if you are to achieve anything in life you need to become the person who can make it happen.

There are hundreds of personal development authors and teachers out there and it is sometimes hard to know where to start, or where to turn. They all have something to offer you on your journey to creating the life you choose but fundamentally you need to be the one “in the drivers’ seat”.

I have been a student and teacher of personal development for over 30 years, and I have condensed everything I know into this simple course that includes the daily practice I use.

In this course I teach you everything you need to know and apply over a 12-week time frame. The reason I have done this is because some of the content requires practice and time for you to process the new information. Knowledge is useful, but application of knowledge is what creates results.

If you want the best results you need to be consistent. Whether you want to lose weight, attract a new partner, create a successful business, or just want to feel confident and happy within yourself you need to practice daily. Practice literally makes perfect.

The next 3 months: 

Month 1: In this month you will pause and spend time re-connecting with yourself. It is all about becoming centred, balanced, and grounded in your mental, emotional, and physical state. If you aren’t in your best state, how will you know when you are out of balance? And how will you return to your gifted state. This first month retunes you into your best state for success.

Month 2: Once you feel grounded, centred, and balanced within yourself you need to practice returning to this state, each day. For the next 4 weeks you will learn and develop your morning practice, this will become the foundations of what is to come next.

Month 3: Once you have completed the first two months you are ready for the fun stuff! Now it is time to create the life you want, by setting a monthly intention, identifying the limiting beliefs stopping you, challenging them and replacing them with beliefs that serve you. It is that simple! However, it is going to take practice.


What’s next?


  • You can continue with your daily practice and setting intentions monthly, using the information from this 12 -week course.


  • You could come and join the membership group for £15 a month and master what you have learnt. Consistency is key to getting the results you want, and the membership group will continue to develop your knowledge, while supporting your daily practice.